Monday, July 6, 2015

Weight Watchers Smart Ones Smoothie Review

Before I got so I incredibly busy I was on a smoothie kick. I used Greek yogurt, fruit, milk, protein powder mostly. But like a lot of things lately, I haven't been consistent. I ran across these smoothies from Weight Watchers Smart Ones at my local Food Lion. I spied tropical fruit which was mango and pineapple. They also had strawberry banana and mixed berry. While I wasn't particular about the $2.00 price tag, I was eager to try. 

 I was disappointed in how little was actually in the cup. It was less than half in there. The box said it contained real fruit and yogurt so I had high expectations and taste-wise I was not disappointed. There were chunks of fruit and the yogurt really set it off. It was sweet but not too sweet. It was absolutely delicious. The smoothie contained 130 calories, .5 grams of fat, 4 grams of fiber, and 6 grams of protein. Not to bad as far as nutritional information but not worth it as far as price. The only way I'll buy these again is if there is a good sale or I have coupons.

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